Mrs. Andrea Hammond » Integrated 1

Integrated 1

Welcome to Integrated 1, this is the advanced math course for 8th graders. This course is typically taught in 9th grade and utilizes a different textbook than the 8th grade math course. 

This year at a glance

Chapter 1: Functions

Chapter 2: Linear Functions

Chapter 3: Transformations and Solving

Chapter 4: Modeling Two-Variable Data

Chapter 5: Sequences

Chapter 6: Systems of Equations

Chapter 7: Congruence and Coordinate Geometry

Chapter 8: Exponential Functions

Chapter 9: Inequalities

Chapter 10: Functions and Data

Chapter 11: Constructions and Closure

Appendix: Solving Equations

You can access the online textbook here.
You can "enroll" using the pin: 28NJS
**Students have their own hard copy of this textbook at home as well. 

Homework Help Website 

This website will give interactive hints and tools to help you navigate homework difficulties.

Sometimes students want an alternative explanation of an idea along with additional practice problems. The Parent Guide resources are arranged by chapter. The format of these resources is a brief restatement of the idea, some typical examples, practice problems, and the answers to those problems.