Read More About What is in The Bulletin For Today!

7th Grade to Fiesta Village on May 15 and 24: Due this Tuesday, the 8th.  There are no exceptions to this date.  There will be no changes in the date you are scheduled to attend Fiesta Village.  You will need to attend on the date designated on your permission slip. 8th Grade to Knott’s Berry Farm on May 18:  Due this Wednesday, the 9th.  There are no exceptions to this date. 6th Graders:  Your permission slips for the Fox theater will delivered sometime this week. The deadline for 8th graders working toward promotion will be May 19.  Please see your counselor if you have any questions.

Attention All 8th Graders! ASB would like to celebrate you all finishing Middle School by hosting our first ever 8th Grade only dance, just for you! The theme of this year’s dance is Neon Night-a glow in the dark extravaganza. The dance we be held on Friday, May 11, from 6-8pm in the MPR. Tickets are $5. Let’s make this dance happen! ASB needs at least 100 tickets sold in order to make Neon Night happen. All eligible 8th graders, please see Mrs. Nunez in room D5 for your permission slip. Tickets will be on sale during second lunch until Wednesday, May 9. No tickets will be sold at the door.

Hey, Mountain View 7th Graders! Are you interested in visiting our nation's capital as an 8th Grader? Would you like to see the White House and the Lincoln Memorial along with lots of other important landmarks and monuments to commemorate the history of our country and our democratic system? If so, bring your parents to an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 9th at 6 pm in the MVMS library.

Boys soccer game today!
