Would you like to be in ASB leader next school year? Being in ASB is an important job that requires a lot of time, effort, dedication and responsibility. It also is very rewarding, gives you great memories, opportunities to have fun, develop into strong leaders and gets you involved in school and the decisions that affect every student. If you would like to apply, please pick up an application from Mrs. Nunez in room D5 or in the counseling office. Applications are due Friday, May 4.
The deadline for 8th graders working toward promotion will be May 19. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Yearbook/Broadcasting is still looking for a few 6th graders to fill openings for next year. Interested students need to see Mr. Sims in room D3 ASAP.
Attention All 8th Graders! ASB would like to celebrate you all finishing Middle School by hosting our first ever 8th Grade only dance, just for you! The theme of this year’s dance is Neon Night-a glow in the dark extravaganza. The dance we be held on Friday, May 11, from 6-8pm in the MPR. Tickets are $5. Let’s make this dance happen! ASB needs at least 100 tickets sold in order to make Neon Night happen. All eligible 8th graders, please see Mrs. Nunez in room D5 for your permission slip. Tickets will be on sale during second lunch from Thursday, May 3-Wednesday, May 9. No tickets will be sold at the door.
All advanced choir students: there is rehearsal today after school. Please see Mrs. Wright today for permission slips.