Daily Bulletin 3/12/18

Attention girls trying out for soccer: Tryouts will be Tuesday, March 13 from 3:00-5:00. Wednesday, March 14 from 1:35 to 3:00. Friday, March 16 from 3:00 to 4:30.  You will need to get a tryout waiver from the girls locker room and have that with you for the first day of tryouts.  You will also need to be passing all classes.

Boys Soccer Tryouts Monday from 3:15 to 4:30. Tryout waivers can be picked up in the boys locker room and must be submitted at tryouts.  You must be passing all classes to tryout.

This Friday, ASB will be hosting its first annual Spring Fling Dance. Tickets are on sale during both lunches on the outside stage. The cost per ticket is $2. Please take a moment to go to Cougar Corner and take our "Dance Survey." We want to hear what you guys want at dances to make them even better.

Be sure and participate in Spirit Week. Today is Pajama Day, tomorrow is Meme Day, dress like your favorite meme; Wednesday is Hogwarts house day; Thursday is Blue vs. Gray day, and Friday is freaky Friday, students dress like teachers and teachers like students."

Today, ASB is kicking off Pennies for Patients, with a week full of activities to raise awareness for leukemia. Please bring your loose change from home to donate to this amazing cause. ASB will be out Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week with a variety of fun activities for you to participate in all while raising awareness.
